
It seems to me that my mind has texture, like the air I breathe has texture. With texture comes a certain solidity, something tangible, something that may be perceived or experienced, and shaped. From encounters with Reality, I'm left with impressions.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Śraddhā (faith)

Three types of faith, or three aspects of faith, covering three aspects of being, and three types of responses:
  1. Trusting faith (emotional), "it is important"
  2. Lucid faith (cognitive), "it is meaningful"
  3. Longing faith (volitional), "it is worthwhile"
The three types of faith are (I believe, but my memory might be wrong) traditional, but the connection to the emotional, cognitive, and volitional is that of Sangharakshita's.

The things in quotes are what I have distilled as my own response to each of the types (or aspects) of faith. I was using these three phrases, that is, this is important, this is meaningful, and this is worthwhile, to describe that which I experienced as my response to faith long before I ever knew about the division of Śraddhā into these three particular categories.

Making these connections felt almost like assembling many pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.