
It seems to me that my mind has texture, like the air I breathe has texture. With texture comes a certain solidity, something tangible, something that may be perceived or experienced, and shaped. From encounters with Reality, I'm left with impressions.

Monday, 3 May 2010

It's not only about you

On the Anapanasati retreat a month ago, on the 4th of April, our teacher (Satyaraja) related a story about someone going to Bhante Sangharakshita with either a question or an experience, I can't remember which or any details about the exchange of words, but it doesn't matter. The crux of the story was the response from Bhante: It's not only about you.

Now, it's not only about me just happened to be one of the attitudes to Dharma practice that I have found most helpful. As someone who struggles with being too wilful, keeping this phrase in mind focuses me on the real purpose of Dharma practice, which is to work towards the liberation of all beings. I found that constantly reminding myself about this simple fact gave rise to śraddhā, and with śraddhā there is no hindrances whatsoever in Dharma practice.

This is from my notebook:
Practicing the Dharma is not only about me. The Dharma is bigger then me. It existed before me. It is more profound than I can imagine.

Therefore, I should reverence the Dharma. I should make myself available to it so that it may work itself out through me.

Is this what is meant by going for refuge to the Dharma?

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