
It seems to me that my mind has texture, like the air I breathe has texture. With texture comes a certain solidity, something tangible, something that may be perceived or experienced, and shaped. From encounters with Reality, I'm left with impressions.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Toki Pona

On Facebook this evening, a friend joined the group "kulupu toki pi toki pona", a common interest Facebook group dedicated to the discussion of the language Toki Pona. I had never heard of this language before and it looked strange indeed, so I decided to investigate further (which is why I'm still up and about at this time of the night).

According to Wikipedia, Toki Pona is a conlang, a constructed language, that
[...] is designed to shape the thought processes of its users, in the style of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in Zen-like fashion.
Again, according to Wikipedia, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
[...] is the idea that the varying cultural concepts and categories inherent in different languages affect the cognitive classification of the experienced world in such a way that speakers of different languages think and behave differently because of it.
As someone who enjoys exploring mind and looking at experience and how I relate to it, I find this quite exciting and fascinating. I will try to put some time aside to study Toki Pona, or at least read more about it. My friend sent me a link to some Toki Pona lessons, that should be a start at least...

The idea that language shapes the way we experience the world is very interesting indeed, so I need to follow that hypothesis up as well.

But at this moment, I'm far too tired to do much more thinking at all.

Be well.

1 comment:

Uma Maheswari said...

very intreasting, I am bad in langguages, may be this will help :-)